Sunday, July 13, 2014

St. Cyprian’s On-line Bible Meditation

Suggested daily Lectio divina - Week of July 13, 2014

  1. Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit. Let the cares and worries of the day melt away.
  2. Step one (Lectio): Read the scripture passage of the day slowly and attentively several times.  You may want to jot down words or phrases that seem to stand out to you.
  3. Step two (Meditatio): Ponder or meditate on a word or phrase that caught your attention in your first readings of the text. Think about how it speaks to your life right now.
  4. Step three (Oratio): Oratio is your response to God. Speak to God from your heart about what you discover in the text. You may desire to seek God’s forgiveness, healing, or guidance.
  5. Step four (Contemplatio): Joyfully rest in God’s presence.  Offer back to God your loving focus and attention with a heart full of gratitude. End with a closing prayer such as the Lord’s Prayer.
  6. Step five (optional): Share online by posting a comment (below).

Suggested Scripture Passages

July 13: Psalm 119: 105-109
July 14: Matthew 10: 34-39
July 15: Psalm 57
July 16: Matthew 11: 25-30
July 17: Psalm 102: 12-22
July 18: Isaiah 40: 6-8
July 19: Matthew 12: 15-21

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